


Apply Now!

(Aplication closes 1st  February 2024 at 23:59)



CopyrightX is a twelve-week networked course that has been offered annually since 2013 under the auspices of Harvard Law School, the HarvardX distance-learning initiative, and the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society. The creator and supervisor of CopyrightX is William Fisher, the WilmerHale Professor of Intellectual Property Law at Harvard Law School.  He developed the pedagogy of the course, prepared the recorded lectures, and selected and edited the reading materials. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Law is offering the Harvard Law School affiliate course to its students since 2018.


The course is designed for students interested in copyright law. The program is focused on US copyright law. As for students from Georgia additional material on national (Georgian) copyright law is included. Course will cover main principles and aspects of copyright regulation in US as well as landmark copyright cases.


Course Description: Students shall watch recorded lectures and have access to reading materials, which will be discussed in working groups. Working group classes will take place once or twice in a week remotely through online platforms and will be supervised by Local Tutors. Students have to take written exam at the end of course. Students who attend at least 10/12 meetings of working group and pass the written exam will get the certificate of completion from Harvard University.


Key Dates:

  • 1st  February 2024 - Deadline for submitting applications;
  • 6-8 February 2024 - Online interviews with shortlisted applicants (not mandatory);
  • 9 February 2024 - Applicants will receive selection results;
  • 13 February 2024 - Beginning of the course;
  • 25 April – 5 May 2024 - CopyrightX final exam period;
  • June-July 2024 - Results of the Exam.


More Information:

  • Tuition fee is 300 GEL, which shall be paid before starting the course. Program is free for current students (Bachelor, Master or Doctorate) of Tbilisi State University;
  • Program is open to everyone interested in Copyright. Please find admission criteria below;
  • Approximate schedule of working group classes are indicated in Application Form. Applicants shall indicate their preference in the application form, which is preference and not a mandatory;
  • Attending working group meetings is mandatory. Students who miss more than two classes will not be admitted to the exam (certificate will not be granted);
  • Completion of the course requires at least 100 academic hours including working group meetings, video lectures and readings;
  • Students of Tbilisi State University may request to be awarded with ECTS credits for successfully completed course upon submitting the certificate of completion to the university;

Admission criteria:

  • Advanced level of English is required
  • Applicants with bachelors’ degree or students who have completed at least 4 semester of bachelor program will be admitted to the course.
  • Interested candidates shall fill in the Application Form in order to be admitted to the course.
  • Participants of the program will be selected on competitive bases according to their applications. Interviews will be held with shortlisted candidates.